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 Classes and Activities - 2015

Check out the Veteran's Wellness Page to see what's happening in 2016

 Auricular Acupuncture 9:30-10:30 


Experience the power of the NADA  protocol, 5 points in each ear that promote relaxation and will leave you feeling centered, calm and peaceful.  This protocol, developed by the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association, is used by Acupuncturists without Borders as well as the U.S. military and rehabilitation clinics around the world.  


Jana Brady, L.Ac., Dipl.O.M. received her Master's degrees in Acupuncture & Chinese Herbs at the Arizona School of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine.  She now owns Steel Creek Acupuncture in Fayetteville, where she treats a wide variety of ailments, including joint and muscular pain, allergies, headaches, digestive disorders, insomnia, hot flashes, and many more. 

 Qi Gong-9:15



Qi Gong is rooted in Chinese Medicine and uses simple, flowing movements to stretch the body's energetic channels and improve the flow of blood and energy to all parts of the body.  Daily practice of these movements leads to more energy, body awareness, and peace of mind. Start your morning right with this free 30 min. introductory class. 




Organic Gardening Basics 101 - 10:00


Barry Moore, owner of Ozark Herbal Creations and Moore Produce will cover simple gardening basics such as seed growing, hardening, transplanting, and container gardening.  Bring $5 to pot and bring home your own organic basil plant.

Detoxifying with Herbs- 10:30


Jenny Dietzel will give a demonstration on blending and extracting some of the herbs that can assist the body to clean itself more effectively. She will share with you information about the importance of detoxification and how to incorporate it into our daily lives.  


Jenny Dietzel is a Natural Health Consultant at Twin Springs Wellness in Greenland, AR. She educates her clients about safe and effective use of natural therapies like herbology, holistic nutrition, and mind-body techniques for stress reduction and relaxation. She also used demonstrations and classes to teach clients how to make some of their own herbal or natural products.

Pickling and Lacto-Fermentation Workshop - 11:00


Join Jerrmy Gawthrop, owner of Greenhouse Grille and Woodstone Pizza to learn the basics of pickling, quick pickling, and lacto-fermentation.  Taste pickled and fermented and learn how to get hands on with your own creations.  Recipes and tips provided in this guided tour of the ancient and trending techniques of this food preservation method.

Mini Couples Massage Workshop - 11:30


Explore another level of communication with your partner. This offering will focus on increasing awareness of self and your significant other through the energetic exchange that occurs using Swedish massage.  You will learn techniques for the back and feet. You will learn how to apply specific strokes and how to adjust your body and pressure so your body doesn't hurt after giving a massage.  Couples find it a great way to increase their connection and bring more touch into their relationship.  Everyone can use these techniques to relax, heal, and rejuvenate. 


William Hall, NMT, LMT, received his massage trainging at the Atlanta School of Massage.  He now owns Good Will Massage in downtown Fayetteville and offers the very best in holistic massage.  You can experience Neuromuscular Therapy, Deep Tissue Massage, Acupressure, and Sports Massage during a treatment with William.



Kinesiology Taping & Cupping Demonstration - 12:00


Apex Integrative Medicine will be sharing two healing techniques:  Kinesiology Tape is typically used for the treatment of injuries and performance enhancement.  However, it can be used for any condition that involves pain, inflammation, or lack of blood flow.  We will demonstrate how the tape is applied and exactly how it works.


Cupping is an ancient Chinese therapy that uses glass or plastic cups to create a vacuum on the skin, promoting circulation and healing.  We will walk through the whole process, and answer questions accordingly.

The 10 Min. Workplace Therapeutic Movement Session - 12:30



Yoga and Taiji exercises that counteract the physical strain and mental stress of our jobs. 


Hayden will also be giving Tui Na Massage demos at his booth between 11:00-12:00.


Hayden Hennignsen, L.Ac., Dipl.O.M.  is a passionate advocate for movement in our daily lives.  He believes it to be a secret to vibrant health and vitality, that is accessible to everyone.  He focuses on mindful and structurally balanced movements that draw from traditions of iyengar yoga, gymnastics, and qi gong/ taiji chuan.  He helps students and patients create a lifestyle that incorporates health-giving movements into their daily habits. 

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